St Anselm's Catholic Primary School

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We believe that Physical Education develops pupils’ physical competence and confidence. We currently have two specialist PE teachers, enabling each class to have two, one hour PE lessons a week. One of these lessons focusses on the teaching of netball, from Year 1 up.  The children acquire and develop skills in a wide range of sports including football, netball, cricket, tennis, tag rugby, hockey, rounders and athletics, .  In addition, Years 4, 5 and 6 have swimming lessons for one term per year at a local secondary school.

We take part in matches with other schools and also partake in competitive sports events organised by the local authority. Each term we have an inter-house tournament, focussing on different sports.

The school  promotes a healthy lifestyle to all pupils and encourages children to eat healthily. Dance is central to our Theme Week learning, and all classes are taught dances by one of our teachers who is proficient at dance. Dance is also integrated into performances. 

Our whole school sports day is also held at the Tooting Sports track in the summer term.