St Anselm's Catholic Primary School

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Religious Education



Pupils are taught to value themselves, and others, and to understand that they all are made in the image and likeness of God. Children are reflective and aware of their actions on others because they are able to understand and apply the teachings of the gospel.  

'Standards in Religious Education are high. All groups of pupils make good progress and achieve well. A wide range of cross-curricular activities enrich the curriculum and help to inspire and motivate pupils. Pupils enjoy Religious Education and appreciate its relevance to their own lives. Pupils’ work is beautifully presented, indicating pride in their work.' (Section 48 RE Inspection, 2019)


It is our aim that:

  • Children will develop an awareness of God’s presence in their lives, developing the spiritual life of each child through prayer and reflection.
  • Children will develop a well-formed conscience allowing them to make sound moral judgments in the light of personal commitment to God.
  • Parents, family members, friends of whatever faith and parishioners will attend Masses and religious celebrations within the school and pupils will participate in parish activities outside of school times, promoting good links with the Parish of St Anselm's
  • Children, and their parents will develop the knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the Sacraments.
  • R.E. will play a central role in the school’s work on spiritual, moral, vocational, social and cultural education.
  • Children will be prepared for life in a multi-faith society by fostering respect for, and understanding of, rich cultural diversity.
  • A programme of family life education, which conforms to the teaching of the Catholic Church and follows Diocesan guidelines, will be provided.
  • Opportunities will exist for children of all ages to experience learning beyond the classroom. This will allow them to enrich their knowledge by, for example, visiting different places of worship, lSt Anselm's Church, Aylesford Priory
  • Children will develop a deep understanding of the R.E. unit they are studying. They will increasingly use their prior knowledge to develop into religiously literate young people.

The school uses ‘The Way, the Truth and the Life’ as their primary RE scheme. The scheme, however, acts only as a starting point to our teaching of RE and teachers  take the learning much deeper to allow for a greater level of learning and understanding. We focus on helping the children to think theologically, ethically and spiritually. The teaching of other faiths is also an important aspect of our RE curriculum.

Our RE teaching encourages our children to discover, to analyse and to investigate scripture allowing them to understand the messages and to make links with other scripture as well as their own lives. 

Catholic Social Teaching is an integral part of our religious education teaching. 

RE curriculum documents


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6