School Uniform
Click here for the School Uniform Policy
Winter Uniform
Children may wear either:
A blue blouse (optional tie)
A maroon pinafore or grey trousers
A maroon cardigan (with logo)
Maroon or grey, tights or long socks
A white shirt with a school tie
Grey trousers or shorts
Black or grey socks
A maroon v-neck jumper (with logo)
Summer Uniform
Children may wear either:
A blue and white checked summer dress*
White socks or tights
A maroon cardigan (with logo)
A white polo shirt with a logo
Grey trousers or shorts
A maroon v-neck jumper (with logo)
All children must wear black shoes (no boots)
Outdoor wear
A dark grey duffel coat*, a school blazer (with logo) or a school raincoat (with logo)
School woolly hat and scarf
School summer hat
Reception and Year 1: A school book-bag (with logo)
Year 2 to 6: A school backpack (with logo)
PE kit
Black shorts
Maroon school t-shirt (with logo)
Maroon sweatshirt (with logo)
Black non-marking plimsolls (reception only)
Maroon jogging bottoms (optional)
Our main supplier is School Uniform 247:
*The grey duffel coat is supplied by John Lewis or by Beau Brummel
*The summer dress is supplied by John Lewis (there are two options)
All uniform must be clearly, and permanently, marked with the child’s name.
Second hand uniform sales are held termly in school. We welcome donations of good quality uniform that can be used for second hand sales. All profits go to the PTA, and are used to buy resources for the school.
Smartphones are not permitted in school. Children who are walking home alone (from the summer term of Year 5), may bring a basic phone to school, with no internet access. This needs to be left in the school office.