St Anselm's Catholic Primary School

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0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.




Click here for information from the local authority about how to apply to a primary school. You must apply for a reception place via your local authority.  The deadline for applications for a reception place for September 2025, is 15th January 2025.


St Anselm's School Admissions Policy 2025-2026 

This is for Reception 2025. See below for entry to our school for the current academic year (in-year entry)

This policy contains important information about applying to St Anselm's Primary School


2025-2026 admissions categories 

1. Baptised looked after Catholic children and all previously looked after baptised Catholic children who have been adopted or who have become the subject of a child arrangement order or special guardianship order. Baptised Catholic children who appear (to the admissions authority) to have been in state care outside of England and cease to be in state care outside of England as a result of being adopted.

2. Baptised Catholic children, in possession of a Certificate of Practice and a baptism certificate. (See Note a, and appendix 1)

3. Baptised Catholic children. A baptismal certificate or evidence of reception into the Catholic Church must be provided.

4. Looked after children and all previously looked after children who have been adopted or who have become the subject of a child arrangement order or special guardianship order. Children who appear (to the admissions authority) to have been in state care outside of England and cease to be in state care outside of England as a result of being adopted 

5. Children who are members of Eastern Orthodox Catholic Churches**. Evidence of Baptism will be required.

6. Children who are members of other faiths, Churches and denominations. Evidence of Baptism/dedication or evidence of membership required.*

7. Any other children.

 (see admissions policy for over-subscription criteria)


If your child is baptised Catholic, you will need to bring their original baptism certificate to school, and a copy for us to retain. 

If you are a practising Catholic, you will need to have the Catholic Practice Certificate certificate signed by your Parish Priest. You will need to submit your Catholic Practice Certificate to the school.  Please bring the original, and a copy for us to retain.

If category 5 or 6 is relevant to you, you will need to submit your child's baptism certificate to the school. Please bring the original baptism certificate for us to see, and a photocopy for us to retain.


Please click here  for a sample Catholic Practice Certificate (this one can't be used). You will need to collect an original certificate from your Parish Priest

In-year entry

Admissions Policy 2024 -2025

Supplementary Form for Reception to Year 6 entry during the academic year 2024 - 2025 entry only 


Supplementary Forms - GDPR information


Previous admissions policies (for reference only)

Admissions Policy 2023 - 2024

Admissions Policy 2022 - 2023


For the Primary Schools Admissions Appeals Timetable 2024-25, please click here


Determination Document issued by the Schools Adjudicator 11/11/2020 with regards to Mass obligation during COVID